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Who We Are

We are a church located in Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Crosspoint Church is a Reformed Baptist church in Palmerston North, New Zealand. The church endeavours to joyfully exalt the triune God, faithfully declare the Christ-centred Word, intentionally demonstrate Christian love, and zealously evangelise our community and world.
We hold to the historic faith of Christianity expressed in the Second London Confession (a.k.a. 1689 Confession) and the church is a member of the Fellowship of Reformed Baptist Churches in New Zealand.

  • We preach from the ESV Bible.

  • 1,615 sermons online

Dafydd Hughes

Dafydd was saved by the grace of God at the age of eleven under the ministry of Geoff Thomas in Aberystwyth, Wales, following some weeks struggling with the reality of his sin and the justice of God's condemnation. After a few years spent working in both secular and Christian organisations Dafydd undertook theological training at the Evangelical Theological College of Wales (since renamed Union School of Theology). Following his ordination to the Christian ministry by the elders of his home church, Dafydd emigrated to New Zealand to help with planting and establishing Grace Baptist Church in Christchurch (1996-2006). Since then he has been involved in a similar role in Crosspoint Church. Dafydd is married to Maria and they have two children.

Listen to Sermons


Crosspoint Church
128 King Street
Palmerston North
New Zealand

Service Times

Sunday 10:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday 7:30 p.m.